When all four Bridge Partnership Boards or Steering Committees agree that a Bridge Preservation topic of interest should be addressed on a National level, a National Working Group will be formed of persons possessing special knowledge or expertise for the development of programs, tasks, and activities, or to perform other actions which promote the objectives of all the Partnerships. Individuals from all regions of the country representing owners, industry, academia, and other perspectives will comprise these National Working Groups. For their duration, each of the National Working Groups will have a leader(s), a defined work scope, a list of deliverable items, and an expected completion date.
Note: National Working Group deliverable products (when available) will be posted on this Bridge website at Technical / Working Group Products
Bridge Deck Preservation
Bridge Preservation BMS Working Group
Bridge Preservation Coatings
Bridge Preservation Outreach and Communications
Construction Quality of Bridge Preservation Working Group
Innovative Technology Demonstrations Working Group (ITD)
Local Agency Outreach Working Group
*Sunset – Bridge Deck Chloride Testing National Working Group
*Sunset – Bridge Preservation Performance Specification
Bridge Deck Preservation
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Bridge Deck Preservation” |
Leader(s) |
Sarah Sondag, Minnesota DOT
Pat Martens, Bridge Preservation and Inspection Services
Andy Nanneman, Arkansas DOT
Steven Austin, Texas DOT |
Work Scope |
- Review and update the working group’s Strategic Plan annually.
- Provide education and outreach
- Collaborate with the Regional Partnerships, AASHTO BTWG, T9, the TRB Subcommittee on Bridge Preservation, BPETG, Construction Quality Working Group, and other entities.
- Monitor and share information on deck preservation initiatives.
- Present working group progress at the regional TSP-2 meetings.
- Facilitate research, surveys, and peer exchanges to determine the state of practice.
- Develop best practice guidance (viable, implementable solutions) for bridge deck preservation that meets the needs of agencies, addresses current challenges, and extends service life.
- Promote the findings of NCHRP-19-01 Leading Practices for Detailing Bridge Ends and Approach Pavements to limit Distress and Deterioration.
Deliverable Products |
- Strategic Plan
- Centralized database for bridge deck preservation products and their technical attributes.
- Overlay Products
- Sealer Products
- Deck Patching Products
- Concrete Bridge Deck Preservation Resource Guide
- A resource providing basic information on concrete bridge deck preservation actions and links to other available documentation.
- Mailing List: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Videos |
Deck Preservation Video Library |
Expected Completion |
The Working Group will be an ongoing initiative. |
Future Needs |
Continue conference calls to assess progress, define new initiatives, and monitor related items on a national basis. |
Attachments |
As deliverables are completed, they will be linked in the Deliverable Products section of this working group.
Members Page |
Meeting Minutes |
Meeting Minutes |
Conclusion |
Bridge Preservation BMS Working Group
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Bridge Preservation BMS Working Group” |
Leader(s) |
Chair: Philip Meinel, Wisconsin DOT
Vice-Chair: Brad Noll, Ohio DOT
Secretary: Vacant |
Work Scope |
- Promote the development and / or adoption of best practices for Bridge Management Systems (BMS) to extend the service life of bridges and demonstrate the value of preservation.
- Develop general guidance and examples to help practitioners nationwide identify best practices for Bridge Management Systems that meets the needs of the agency and establish a process that makes implementation less intimidating. This can be organized into basic, intermediate, and advanced BMS activities as detailed in the Attachment A.
- Monitor and share the national development of management systems as they evolve.
Deliverable Products |
- Develop a white paper that defines a tiered approach (basic, intermediate, and advanced as described above) to implementing and utilizing a Bridge Management System for driving agency bridge program and project level decision making.
- Develop a proposal for a National BMS Scan specifically to determine the state of the practice..
- Instructions, how to guides, and examples of the various bridge management steps/tasks shown above to make the process better understandable and less intimidating.
- Presentation of an annual review of the Working Group progress at the Regional TSP-2 Bridge Meetings and other related venues.
- Attachment A (White Paper Defining a Tiered Approach)
Expected Completion |
- The Working Group will be an ongoing initiative. With the present bridge preservation national asset management needs, it is not anticipated that there will be a defined completion date and specific initiatives will generate documents that will be revised / upgraded as needed.
Future Needs |
- Continuing conference calls to assess progress, define new initiatives, and monitor related items on a national basis.
Attachments |
A. Detailed Work Scope by BMS Advancement Tier |
Conclusion |
Bridge Preservation Coatings
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Bridge Preservation Coatings” |
Leader(s) |
Chair: Derrick Castle, Sherwin Williams
Vice-Chair: Tony Serdenes, GPI
Secretary: Aaron Dacey, NDDOT
Work Scope |
- Promote the development and / or adoption of best practices for the evaluation, inspection and application of steel bridge protective coatings to extend the service lives of bridge coatings and save money over the service lives of structures,
- Develop general guidance to give practitioners nationwide, a reliable way to determine what actions / best practices are needed when evaluating, planning, and executing steel bridge maintenance painting projects, including the selection of an appropriate coating system.
- Promote awareness among bridge practitioners of the financial benefits of supporting the use of best practices in steel bridge coatings.
Deliverable Products |
- Promotion and coordination with the development of a National Coatings Scan.
- Development of a Table / Matrix / Flowchart for use by owners in determining best coating choices.
- See the SEBPP 2021 Bridge Paint Cost Analysis Tool
- Presentation of an annual review of the Working Group progress at the Regional TSP-2 Bridge Meetings and other related venues.
Expected Completion |
- The Working Group will be an ongoing initiative. With the present bridge preservation coating national needs, it is not anticipated that there will be a defined completion date and specific initiatives will generate documents that will be revised / upgraded as needed.
Future Needs |
- Continuing Conference calls to assess progress, define new initiatives, and monitor related items on a national basis.
Attachments |
Conclusion |
Bridge Preservation Outreach and Communications
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Bridge Preservation Outreach and Communications” |
Leader(s) |
Co-Chair: David Miller, Louisiana DOT & Development
Co-Chair: Drew Storey, Kercher Group |
Work Scope |
- Operate a National Working Group that includes perspectives and interests from all four TSP-2 Bridge Partnerships. This National Working Group has evolved from the initially developed MWBPP Social Media Working Group.
- Improve TSP-2 Webpage SEO and Web-based traffic.
- Increase awareness of Bridge Preservation:
- Twitter, Facebook, and TSP-2 Webpage for reaching external audiences.
- Linkedin Group for internal NBPP discussions and notifications.
- Increase TSP-2 Webpage content for visitors, industry integration, and increase sharing TSP-2 Webpage on Social Media Channels.
- You Tube as a source for partnership presentations, demonstrations, and promotion of NBPP values.
- Continue to create and share Case Histories, Bridge Preservation Initiatives, Bridge Preservation Research, and Bridge Preservation Events using designated social media tools.
- Work with the NCPP Webmaster to further develop or create Webpages of all regional partnership groups.
- Continue to create Social Media content for: The TSP-2 Webpage, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and You Tube.
- Increase national awareness of Bridge Preservation for support of funding, and
- Monitor, manage, and update the various forms of Social Media channels to promote bridge preservation.
Deliverable Products |
- Bridge Preservation Blog monthly content updates.
- Bridge Preservation Community updates to LinkedIn, Twitter, and You Tube Accounts.
- Website Updates.
Expected Completion |
- The initial Blog posting will be in January 2015. Blog postings will continue on regular sequences based on participation and input.
- To be determined: It is not anticipated that there will be a completion of the Working Group. As social media evolves so will this Working Group
Future Needs |
- A bridge preservation community on Twitter.
- SEO access of website and social media channel to make adjustments based on measurable data.
- Continual (annual) Survey of Bridge Preservation Partnership on content relevant to their needs.
Attachments |
- TSP2 Social Media Development Plan.
- Blog Project Outline.
- Bridge Preservation Blog Posts.
Conclusion |
- Blog project is currently successfully drafted bi-monthly.
- Social media presence is growing.
- Increased social media content coming directly from presentations at partnership meetings.
Construction Quality of Bridge Preservation Working Group
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Construction Quality of Bridge Preservation Working Group” |
Leader(s) |
Chair: Fouad Jaber, Nebraska DOT
Vice-Chair: Richard Dunne, GPI
Secretary: David Dobson, Oregon DOT |
Work Scope |
This working group is focused on the constructed quality (and thus, future performance) of the installed bridge preservation/maintenance treatment(s). While the working group consists of core members, other subject matter experts will be invited to participate based on their expertise with the specific preservation treatments being evaluated. |
Deliverable Products |
- Collaborate with the bridge owners (survey) to develop a list of bridge preservation / maintenance treatments which bridge owners have identified as being difficult to construct with quality, thereby potentially reducing the anticipated service life extension by implementing the preservation treatment.
- Develop and execute a plan to fully evaluate the construction practices associated with the specific preservation treatment(s)
- Propose instructions, “how to” guides, and examples of how the specific bridge preservation / maintenance treatments should be constructed with quality to insure the activity achieves the desired performance
- Share this information through Regional TSP-2 Meeting presentations, AASHTO and TRB presentations, and Webinars
- Collaborate with the bridge owners (survey) to develop a list of bridge preservation / maintenance treatments which bridge owners have identified as being readily and routinely constructed with quality
- Develop and execute a plan to fully evaluate and document the construction practices associated with these specific preservation treatments (Best Practices)
- Share these Best Practices through Regional TSP-2 Meeting presentations, AASHTO and TRB presentations, and Webinars
- Collaborate with the bridge owners (survey) to identify other methods to deliver bridge preservation / maintenance treatments which bridge owners have identified as being effective in ensuring construction with quality, e.g., contract type (low bid, warranty, time and materials); specifications (performance vs. prescriptive), etc.
- Share these topics through Regional TSP-2 Meeting presentations, AASHTO and TRB presentations, and Webinars.
- Annually assess progress and post the assessment on the TSP-2 website.
Expected Completion |
The Working Group will be an ongoing initiative. An end date cannot be determined until the list of bridge preservation / maintenance treatments identified for evaluation has been developed. |
Future Needs |
- Monthly conference calls to assess progress, define new initiatives, and monitor activities.
Attachments |
Polymer Concrete Overlay Construction Quality Considerations Presentation – 06/30/22 |
Conclusion |
Innovative Technology Demonstrations Working Group (ITD)
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Innovative Technology Demonstrations Working Group (ITD)” |
Leader(s) |
Chair: Brian Mintz, Phoscrete Corporation
Vice Chair: Mario Baggio, Alchemco
Secretary: Lorella Angelini, Angelini Consulting Services
Local Agency Rep: Pat Conner, LTAP
Academic Advisor: John Sobanjo, FAMU/FSU |
Work Team |
Brian Mintz, Phoscrete
John Sobanjo, FAMU/FSU
Todd Shields, NCPP
Walter Peters, ODOT (Oklahoma)
Derrick Castle, Sherwin Williams
Tim Woolery, Advanced Chemical Technologies
Lorella Angelini, Angelini Consulting Services
Jeffrey Pouliotte, FDOT (Retired)
Greg Heilman, Jet Filter Systems
Andrew Pack, ITD (Idaho)
Dave Brodowski, True Tech Bridge
Kyle Bartfay, Phoscrete
Sarah Wilson, IDOT (Illinois)
Paul Pilarski, MnDOT
Mario Baggi, Alchemco
Michael Stroia, Commercial Metals
Pat Conner, LTAP
Paul Imbrock, Indiana Soy Alliance
Joel Ulring, MNDOT
Tony Serdenes, GPI
Nancy Huether, NCPP
Heather Deare, LADOTD |
Work Scope |
- The AASHTO TSP-2 Innovative Technology Demonstrations (ITD) Program is a field demonstration program designed to introduce new and innovative preservation materials and technology to Owners of the nation’s highway systems. Demonstrations should involve products, services, processes, and equipment for bridges.
- Implementation of the ITD program by a participating Member of Industry through a participating Independent Consultant assures that demonstrations are unbiased. In addition, demonstrations and parameters for assessments are agreed to by all parties prior to implementation.
- Approval and oversight of proposed ITDs will be coordinated with the Independent Consultant by the AASHTO TSP-2-Bridge Program facilitators.
- Link to the Innovation Page on the TSP2 Bridge Website.
Deliverable Products |
- The independent Consultant will work with Industry and Owner(s) to implement and document the demonstration.
- Reports summarizing the demonstration, related articles, and related materials will be shared with the preservation community on the ITD page.
Expected Completion |
- ITD continues as a program subject to interest within the Industry and Owner members of the Partnerships.
Future Needs |
- The program will be monitored for appropriateness. Each Demonstration will be evaluated during and after implementation.
- The development of the program will be reviewed by the TSP-2 Oversight Panel and the TSP-2 / MSU Advisory Board.
Attachments |
- Innovative Technology Demonstration (ITD) Program Guidelines
- Innovative Technology Demonstration (ITD) Program Application
Conclusion |
The ITD program is an effective tool for owners to:
- Learn about specific innovative technologies
- To determine whether this technology is an appropriate solution for their individual needs.
- To share field test experience with other States and Owners.
Local Agency Outreach Working Group
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Local Agency Outreach Working Group” |
Leader(s) |
Chair: Gregg Freeman
Co-Chair: Travis Kinney
Vice-Chair: Jason DeRuyver (?)
Secretary: (Open) |
Work Scope |
- Develop training modules for Local Agencies on Bridge Preservation
- Coordinate efforts with BPETG/NCPP(TSP2) LAO groups.
- Work with AASHTO in providing an avenue for Local Agencies to attend and participate in NBPP Regional Conferences.
Deliverable Products |
- Develop training modules for Local agencies: “Bridge Preservation Activities” & “An Overview into the Importance of Bridge Preservation as part of an Asset Management Program”. (titles subject to change/modification)
- Set up presentations for Local Agencies in coordination with LTAP/TTAP, NACE, Local FHWA & State Representatives.
- Present the efforts of this group as well as promote the BPETG PG’s at Regional Partnership Meetings as well as other LTAP & NACE and other relevant conferences.
Expected Completion |
- Presentation modules expected to be completed by February, 2019.
- Presentations should begin by Spring 2019.
Future Needs |
- Incorporate all Regional Partnerships into the WBPP (NBPP) Local Agency Outreach Working Group in 2019.
Attachments |
Meeting/Training Videos |
Conclusion |
Efforts are focused on the coordination of bringing all of the regional partnerships together in this effort and to coordinate this work with the efforts of the BPETG & NCPP (TSP2) training and other local agency outreach activities. |
Bridge Deck Chloride Testing National Working Group
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Bridge Deck Chloride Testing National Working Group” |
Leader(s) |
Chair: Travis Kinney, Oregon DOT
Secretary: |
Work Scope |
- Develop a NBPP sponsored “Best Practices” for bridge deck chloride sampling.
- Develop guidance on how to implement a chloride sampling program.
- Develop specification and contract examples for distribution.
Deliverable Products |
- A manual outlining the best practices for bridge deck chloride sampling. The manual will include;
- A background in chloride sampling.
- How to develop a system level chloride sampling program.
- Project level sampling and testing best practices.
- How to use test results to identify future bridge needs.
This guide will be a product of the TSP-2 Program and may be offered to AASHTO for approval, or as an outline for further research.
- Presentation of an annual review of the Working Group progress at the Regional TSP-2 Bridge Meetings and other related venues.
Expected Completion |
- The manual is expected to be complete and ready for distribution in April 2019.
Future Needs |
- Continuing conference calls to assess progress, define new initiatives, and monitor related items on a national basis.
Attachments |
Bridge Deck Chloride Testing-Guide (PD) |
Conclusion |
This Working Group has been Sunset. The National Working Group’s initiatives have been shared with the States. The Working Group will continue monitor and share related development and Report-outs will be made during conference calls and at meetings specific to particular topics (i.e. Overlays & Coatings). |
Bridge Preservation Performance Specification
TSP-2 National Working Group |
“Bridge Preservation Performance Specification” |
Leader(s) |
Ed Welch, NCPP; Mike Stenko, Transpo; Eric Burns, MI DOT; Jeff Milton, VA DOT; David Minor, Dayton; Greg Freeman, Kwik Bond; Keith Ramsey, TX DOT; Rich Van Allen, CT DOT; Fred Grant, DBI |
Work Scope |
- Develop a true Bridge Preservation Performance Specification meant to ensure the performance of a given contract item over a given period of time. Incorporating owner, supplier and contractor perspectives is the means by which this task will be successful. To date, only minimal success with existing Performance Specifications has been experienced.
- Develop a Working Group composed of members from the four Bridge Preservation Partnerships, material suppliers, contractors, and consultants.
- Review existing practices for utilization of Bridge Preservation Performance Specifications.
- Define the necessary segments to develop a true Bridge Preservation Performance Specification.
- Define existing “hurdles” that are making the use of performance specifications problematic.
- Work on the development of a performance specification for a chosen sample item that will be utilized in all partnerships with the objective of meeting the projected life of the item.
Deliverable Products |
- Develop a working sample of a true Bridge Preservation Performance Specification.
- Share the Working Draft with the four Bridge Preservation Partnerships at the annual meetings or during teleconferences.
Expected Completion |
- Working Draft to be submitted for review by the Bridge Preservation Partnerships: June, 2015
Future Needs |
- Promotion of the use of the Draft Specification.
- Monitoring of the use of this and other Performance Specifications.
- Revisions of the Performance Specification as the Working Group deems necessary.
Attachments |
Conclusion |
This Working Group has been Sunset. The National Working Group’s initiatives have been shared with the States. The Working Group will continue monitor and share related development and Report-outs will be made during conference calls and at meetings specific to particular topics (i.e. Overlays & Coatings). |