517-432-8220 ncpp@egr.msu.edu

BP-ETG under Technical

This page is dedicated to the FHWA – Bridge Preservation – Expert Task Group (BP-ETG). Postings are deliverable products developed by the BP-ETG and other related materials with which the BP-ETG has been involved, both in their development, review, and promotion.

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Bridge Preservation Guide
Innovation Survey Targeting Product Manufacturers and State DOTs
Innovation Product Survey of Product Manufacturers
Innovation Product Survey of State Bridge Maintenance Engineers

Bridge Preservation Guide

Bridge Preservation Guide

State departments of transportation (DOTs), local agencies, and other bridge owners face significant challenges in addressing the needs of their aging infrastructure. Due to limited funds and increased competition for funds among highway assets, bridge owners are challenged to cost effectively preserve and maintain their bridges to support overall highway mobility. However, having a “worst-first” approach to bridge management by focusing only on replacing poor bridges while ignoring the maintenance needs of good and fair bridges is inefficient and cost-prohibitive in the long term.
A successful bridge program seeks a balanced approach to preservation and rehabilitation/replacement. Bridge owners are striving to be more strategic by adopting and implementing systematic processes for bridge preservation as an integral component of their overall asset management.

Download the FHWA Bridge Preservation Guide (.pdf)

Innovation Survey Targeting Product Manufacturers and State DOTs

Innovation Survey Targeting Product Manufacturers and State DOTs

The Bridge Preservation Expert Task Force Group (BP-ETG) has published a 5-page draft Executive Summary for the Innovation Survey containing an Introduction, Goals, Implementation, Findings, Recommendations, and Conclusions.  The document may be downloaded at:

Draft Executive Summary (.docx)

Innovation Product Survey of Product Manufacturers

Innovation Product Survey of Product Manufacturers

The Bridge Preservation Expert Task Force Group (BP ETG) has published a survey of product manufacturers to help understand their challenges in developing and launching new, innovative products for bridge preservation applications.

Download the 18-page Survey Report (.pdf)

Innovation Product Survey of State Bridge Maintenance Engineers

Innovation Product Survey of State Bridge Maintenance Engineers

The State Bridge Engineer Survey was conducted in the spring of 2014 as part of the Strategic Plan of the Bridge Preservation Expert Task Force Group, sponsored by FHWA. The survey was created by the Bridge Preservation Expert Task Force Group (BPETG) and distributed by the Transportation System Preservation Technical Services Program (TSP2) of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The TSP2’s principal mission is to serve as a clearinghouse with comprehensive and up-to-date information on efficient and effective preservation measures that enhance highway performance and extend useful life.

Download the 27-page Survey Report (.pdf)


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