Round Table Discussions

SEBPP Round Table Discussions

Round Table discussions are an excellent way for state and local agencies within a region to share their knowledge and experience on particular themes to promote and advance the state of the art in bridge preservation.

2010 Round Table Discussions

In 2010, the four bridge preservation partnerships were asked a common set of Round Table questions. Topics included the following:

  1. Bridge Preservation Definition
  2. Bridge Preservation Needs
  3. Bridge Preservation Funding
  4. Performance Goals and Measures
  5. Bridge Preservation Strategies
  6. Bridge Preservation Prioritization
  7. Prioritization Among Assets
  8. Work Accomplishment
  9. Research
  10. Region-Specific Questions

The questions and answers were summarized and published as a report titled “Bridge Preservation Partnership Roundtable: Question Responses for 2010 Report”.

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