WBPP Working Groups
WBPP Working Groups
From time to time, a Partnership’s Board or Steering Committee may appoint working groups of persons possessing special knowledge or expertise for the development of programs, tasks, and activities, or to perform other actions which promote the objectives of the Partnership.
For their duration, each of the working groups will have a leader(s), a defined work scope, a list of deliverable items, and an expected completion date.
Note: Working Group deliverable products (when available) are posted on this Bridge website at Technical / Working Group Products.
Action Item |
“Bridge Inspection Program Manager (BIPM) Working Group” |
Leader(s) |
Chair: Brandon Henning
Co-Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Work Team |
State Agency Program Managers, NCPP Staff |
Work Scope |
- The purpose of working group is for state inspection program managers to collaborate on practices or procedures. Discussions and presentations include best practices, innovative technologies, successful policies, staffing structure, inspection roles, and metric compliance.
- The committee is also a supportive place to ask questions or provide examples.
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- Monthly meetings with various topics and round robin discussions or presentations.
- Minutes kept by secretary for history.
Action Item |
“Quantifying a Systematic Preventive Maintenance Program” |
Leader(s) |
Chris Keegan, WA State DOT |
Work Scope |
- Identify Western states with SMPs qualified for FHWA funding.
- Identify states that have been unable to qualify their programs for FHWA funds and assist them to develop qualified programs.
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- Summary and Presentation of Western states’ practices at the 2014 National Bridge Presentation Partnership Conference (NBPPC2014) scheduled for 21-25 April 2014 in Orlando, Florida.
Action Item |
“Research” |
Leader(s) |
George Hearn, University of Colorado |
Work Scope |
- Develop a list of completed and ongoing state research in the Western Partnership states.
- Identify Research needs and develop statements to be promoted at NCHRP through the Western Bridge Preservation Partnership, the Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures, the Subcommittee on Maintenance, and the Standing Committee on Highways.
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- Summary of completed and ongoing research. Presentation at the 2014 National Bridge Presentation Partnership Conference (NBPPC2014) scheduled for 21-25 April 2014 in Orlando, Florida.
- Ongoing Research Updates and proposed New Research Statements as developed.
Action Item |
“Chloride Testing” |
Leader(s) |
Travis Kinney, Oregon DOT |
Work Scope |
- Work with Industry, Academia, and owners to develop a bridge deck chloride testing guide. The Guide will explain why a testing program is needed, how to implement a statewide testing program, and how to conduct project-level testing.
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- Bridge Deck Chloride Testing Guide (The Guide is complete and available at Bridge Deck Chloride Testing-Guide (.pdf)
Action Item |
“Local Outreach” |
Leader(s) |
Travis Kinney, Oregon DOT; Gregg Freeman, Kwikbond |
Work Scope |
- Encourage Local Agency bridge preservation through education and training opportunities.
- Identify funding sources and methods for implementing preservation of transportation assets.
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- Bridge preservation training modules for Local Agencies.
- Increased participation of Local Agencies in the TSP2 Program.
- Coordination with LTAPs, TC3, BPETG, and others to encourage local agency bridge preservation.
Action Item |
“Asset Management” |
Leader(s) |
Bert Hartman, OR DOT |
Work Scope |
- Identify regional Asset Management plans.
- MAP-21 tracking and updates.
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- WBPP Summary of Asset Management Plans. Presentation at the 2014 National Bridge Presentation Partnership Conference (NBPPC2014) scheduled for 21-25 April 2014 in Orlando, Florida.
- This Working Group has been Sunset>
Action Item |
Deck Treatments |
Leader(s) |
Mike Johnson, Caltrans |
Work Scope |
- Develop a Matrix of Products with Specifications and Attributes, noting state usage with some form of rating.Collaboration with other Bridge Partnerships for national initiatives.
- Collaboration with other Bridge Partnerships for national initiatives.
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- Matrix – Preliminary presentation at the National Bridge Conference in April 2014 / Matrix completion and posting at the WBPP Meeting in May 2015.
- Potential National Matrix. Completion subject to scope development with all Bridge Partnerships.
- This Working Group has been Sunset. A National Deck Working Group has been developed and the WBPP will participate on this Working Group. Deck Overlays and Protection will be on the Agenda of Teleconference calls as appropriate with report outs from the National Deck Working Group Liaison.
Action Item |
“Bridge Preservation Activities Matrix” |
Leader(s) |
Chris Keegan, WA State DOT |
Work Scope |
- Bridge specific activities (similar to auto maintenance and service manuals)
- Assist in future decisions for maintenance / preservation work, including:
- List of cyclical and preventive actions for maintaining and extending bridge life
- Suggested products to use, and those originally applied to the structure
- Appropriate action / strategic intervals
- Cost of inaction
Deliverable Products / Expected Completion |
- Matrix – Presented at the WBPP Meeting and posted on the TSP2 Website / Completed May 2013.
- Status inactive, subject to updates.
- The Work Products have been delivered and the Working Group has been Sunset.
Note: Working Group deliverable products (when available) are posted on this Bridge website at Technical / Working Group Products.